Waldschmidt, Moussa, Luck, Itzykson, From Number Theory to PhysicsContents1. An Introduction to Zeta Functions.- 2. Introduction to Compact Riemann Surfaces, Jacobians, and Abelian Varieties.- 3. Elliptic Curves.- 4. Introduction to Modular Forms.- 5. Decorated Elliptic Curves: Modular Aspects.- 6. Galois Theory, Algebraic Number Theory, and Zeta Functions.- 7. Galois Theory for Coverings and Riemann Surfaces.- 8. Differential Galois Theory.- 9. p-adic Numbers and Ultrametricity.- 10. Introduction to Lattice Geometry.- 11. A Short Introduction to Quasicrystallography.- 12. Gap Labelling Theorems for Schrödinger Operators.- 13. Circle Maps: Irrationally Winding.- 14. An Introduction to Small Divisors Problems.#保型形式 #楕円曲線 #ゼータ関数 #リーマン面 #ガロア理論