Future Sound Systems MTX9A Pin Matrix (Active) モジュラーシンセ 3ヶ月ほど使用 傷は見当たりませんが見落としの可能性があります。 ラベルの部分が塗装ムラあり。 本体、ケーブル、ピン(純正と追加分)、ネジ(非純正)、マーカー、箱になります。エタノールにてクリーニング済。 現行参考価格:$199ですので、約27500円 輸送費を加えると、30000円超えるくらいでしょうか。 パッシブではなく、アクティブになります。 Width: 24hp Depth: 32mm Current draw: 110mA @ +12v, 110mA @ -12v The Future Sound Systems MTX9A is a 9x9 81-point pin matrix great for complex matrix mixing and routing of signals. The pin matrix patching paradigm was made famous by EMS and Maplin synthesizers, allowing for modular synthesizer-type connections without the use of patch cables. Those designs made all the connections behind the panel, but with the MTX9A, you must patch into the inputs and outputs. It offers multiplication of one input to many outputs and summation of several inputs into one or more outputs. The MTX9A includes ten 2mm banana test pins and a dry-erase marker for labeling your sources and destinations.